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Downtown Eldon Historical Society

reviving downtown eldon's railroad ties

The French were the first Europeans to settle the area for mining, hunting and trading, it is said they lived alongside the native people. They ceded the area to Spain, who turned around and ceded it back to the French by the 1800's.

the 1700's

The only way to be respectful of the history is to go back in time, before it was colonized by Europeans. According to the book "Eldon A Look Back 1882-1982" the Ozark Bluff Dwellers lived in the area. It tells a story of the inhabitants living in the Ozarks, painting on the bluffs before the Dam flooded the Area.

ozark bluff dwellers

To understand Eldon and it's townspeople we need to go back as far as recorded history will take us. The details below have been gathered from Miller County Museum, Eldon's Centennial Book "Eldon a Look Back 1882-1982", details shared by Eldon residents and information found on the internet.  When possible links are included.  Visit our Blog for citations and research.

By the  time Miller County was created, the Osage were forced to leave the Ozarks. Read about the Trail of Tears.

To Learn more about Miller County visit the Miller County Historical Society Website.

1837 miller county created

The first "Historical Inhabitants" were the Osage, as the French called them. They were tall 6-7 Feet and roamed the land between the rivers. The Osage signed a "Treaty" in 1808 to cede the land for $800 Cash and $1,000 in Merchandise. Learn More about the Treaty with The Osage.

1808 treaty with the osage

George Riley Weeks, a Civil War veteran, came to Miller County in the 1860s from the State of Vermont. He came with his wife and child and became a farmer once arriving in the area. According to "Eldon a Look Back," he bought land from R.S. Harvey for about $6 an acre. As a farmer George Weeks was considered "ahead of his time" implementing unique techniques.

Roughly 15 years later, In 1881 he suggested the formation the "TOWN COMPANY." according to "Eldon a Look Back 1882-1982"


It is said George was the "Ring Leader" that brought the "Railhead" to what would later be called Eldon. On March 15th 1882 George R. Weeks "signed and filed the plat of the town of Eldon as proprietor thereof..." In 1889 it was incorporated as a town. (pg. 17 "Eldon a Look Back")

1865 george weeks
arrives in missouri

There were not railroads in Miller Country prior to the 1880, according to the Miller County Historical Society.  Not everyone was in favor of them.

"Missouri railroads date back to 1849 when the Pacific Railroad (predecessor to the Missouri Pacific) was chartered to connect St. Louis with points to the west. The railroad was conceived by the leaders of St. Louis who had hoped to see the railroad stretched to the Pacific Ocean, hence its name."  Learn more about about the Mo Pac Railroad.

1849 railroads in missouri

As we explore the history of Eldon we will update this time line.  Feel free to use the form below to submit historical information.

If you would like to explore more about Eldon visit our blog.

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The town of Eldon was platted March 15th, 1882.  George R. Weeks decided to layout and plat a new town, Eldon Town Company, to surround the proposed railroad tracks. He donated 40 Acres of land to the railway company to build the first depot in Eldon.

Research Citations: Eldon Platted in 1882

1882 plat filed

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